And i'll go back to the point where it doesn't help you in Arena or get you a spot in dungeons any faster, thus where is the advantage? If we are going off anecdotal scenario's I know people who have also sunk a few hundred into the game and not seen but maybe 1 gem from the trove. So again it's not Pay2Win as you gain nothing more than personal satisfaction from having nicer things.
What you guys winning? its just a game lol stop treating it like life. Company needs to make money to keep game running, they keep a lot of stuff to a minimum where the player who buys key don't have too much advantage over others, farming blackwyrn can get u really good gems and crafting /cheap Blade & Soul Gold knowing the market right can make you more rich than players spending thousands of dollar on keys, doing daily + making more alts and grinding can get u the things u need too. People always have something to cry about .. life is not perfect get over it lol every game has something that is paid or they won't beable to keep running for those of you who don't pay for shiit to support the company(outfit). Not that im stating a fact that u have to, just saying if you don't support the people who created the game for u maybe u shouldnt cry about pay to win.
Be greatful legendary weapon is not out on the shop for instant purchase thats when you can cry lol. End of statement anyone else that reply to this with something toxic is retarded.Progressing isn't the same as Winning. Pay2Shortcut is far different than Pay2Win.