
Blowing kissies with leittle pink hearts LOVE IT

 Free login campaign sometime soon would be much appreciated by those who are taking a break from monthly subscriptions! The ones taking a break want to join in on the festivities too!  seasonal rewards are one thing but offering a reused emote with extra kisses is a joke. this is almost as laughable as them taking years to finally come up with simple carbuncle egi glamour .  It literally has been just a single month since the last one.  They just had a campaign so it might take a while for another one to happen Cheap FFXIV Gil . How do you think they'll keep subscribers if they're gonna have free login campaigns every time there's an event? Yeah that would really take the point out of having a subscription.  I didn't know they just had a campaign. I never got an email and I don't need a free login. I'm currently still paying for mine.

 They keep subscribers because the game is good. The events aren't what keeps subscribers around. The massive amount of content is what keeps people sticking around. Buy FFXIV Gil Cute emote. And minion. Sad there's no clothing.  I want that cute dote emote. Blowing kissies with leittle pink hearts LOVE IT! That min on is so so cute as well plus the vase gonna shafts make sure I collect all these. Hopefully this one wasn't done at 5 o'clock on a Friday like that last few!

I was kinda hoping for new glamour items, the whole Alice in wonderland+heart chef-look is super overplayed... So is this update going to crash the servers for a week or two? Jonathan Contreras wth are you on about he's talking about the servers doesn't have anything to do with the platform your on. Jonathan, more like.. I'm paying $12+ a month for the servers to be down every other day. Then ENIX has no way of making it up to us. It's nothing new either.. Literally every patch launch.

Everyone with more than Chip 'n' Dale inside their heads know that we have quite more uptime than you state.  Felipe stop being a fanboy. Is it a literally a week? No, yet balmung has had so much "emergency maintenance" in between "scheduled maintenance" that it's first week only saw about 72 hours of real play time. Which is incredibly annoying when I only have about 3-4 hours of playtime and cannot launch a Zurvan Ex on my planned days. Add in the fact that this ALWAYS HAPPENS because Enix neglects to stress test their content and you'd see that that it's a huge slap to the face.