
Diablo 3 not as good as expected

Honestly I don't get why Blizzard doesn't allow characters to be created specifically on a "No auction house" realm where you and everybody else you play with can only use items you acquire through trading the good ol' fashion way.

That would fix a huge problem with the game. The next major hurdle though would be making a much more randomized campaign and not such a harsh linear story driven one where the only level randomization is a few dungeon rooms being shifted around.

They didnt kill most sc1 units. they killed most diablo 2 characters. i think they are blind with love of money. they have extremely different attitude against Diablo fans and Starcraft fans. i saw diablo 2 was popular than sc1 in skorea. everyone played diablo 2. even koreans insult blizzard about diablo 3. it was not short. diablo 2 was always first ranking game for years. yeah you made money quickly but you betrayed fans. you will pay for that in the future. you must care of the future than the present seriously. they always say "we are not going to make same old shit". but people want that. even japanese developers make a mode people can play old characters. other developers respect old gamers. but you don't. you had chance to make more money and sell more. you just threw it away.

