Would you mind doing something about this retarded Runatorium Queues cheap Aion Kinah, ffs . rly . Add healing camp..pleaase. If you rly want to peoples enjoy in game and relax get rid of cheaters. 50% players use hacks and you guys not doing anything about it. becouse of chaeters you lose other players who do not use hacks.
cheters ? hakkers? take out ur small brains and eat it. if u looser and cant play its ur problem. get beter pc and connection. sad how u blaim some1 not ur self. The hackers and the trader legions are buy Aion Gold destroying the game and it's time to open the telemachus server for the elyos for new blood the most pll are stop playing for this reason. I'm honored that you guys like my video and there will be a series of this i hope <33 And Thank you for sharing AION Free-to-play! much love to all of you.
It is a beautiful game! The sound track is awesome too. I take the music 'Coldy' everywhere I go. That peice defines AION for me. Too bad people stopped enjoying Aion ever since you started managing it. Just try to imagine a gf server without lags,hackers,donators, with only legit players.... Can u do it? Cuz i'm not grin emoticon It's a NIGHTMARE! grin emoticon.
I cant man, no one wants me n Katalamize. Wish I had a good pc to enjoy with these graphics , unfortunately I'm on lowest and still freezes when I rotate screen ;(( The special maintenance currently running will last until about 1:30 pm CET.