
Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

I'd love to play, but since the HoT update I crash instantly, tried everything, spoken with devs. Will that mean you will fix the bug with the prologue bug in HoT that is preventing people from finishing it and progressing into Magumma? Skip all cutcenes in prologue asap. You miss out on cutcenes but your game GW2 Gold doesn't crash. They fixed already. You're late in exactly 24 hours to suggest it smile emoticon.

I still want a discount on the expansion because I pre-ordered the original. frown emoticon I'm not purchasing HoT until they put it on sale months down Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold the road. Already paid for 2 accts., one of which was banned as a "hacked acct". After dealing with support for 2 months, I just initiated a chargeback because they refused legit ownership verification.

Friend of mine tried G2A months ago,dont end up well.
People sell used codes so you get banned after a week,G2A refunds the money if you win the case though. Since it's launched today my sound is completely gone in the game. I didn't buy the expansion but I don't think it would matter? How many did you piss off by giving a full game price for an expansion. I love GW2, but they want us to pay twice for the game, an expantion should cost at the very least half the original game. Have you seen the content that have been released? You all losers for not buying it, just means less whingers running around in game.

Congratulations, ArenaNet and Guild Wars 2! This game, community and dev team is something to be ferociously proud about! Go us! In 3 hours and 15 minutes I am outta school and into the game!!! and half of that other half have been banned. Try to get support from them on forums and here and they ban you from both sites as well.

