
blade and soul system requirement

Well would be cool if more things worked properly and less than 1/2 players were nonbots on eu. My computer is a dell and runs windows 7 and when i load blade and soul it wont load. The loading screen icon comes up and just stays there and nothing happens... is there anyway i can fix this? Blade and Soul Gold Does your computer meet the minimum system requirements?

 Tyler Williamson well its a dell windows 7 pro and has 400 gigs of space, and like 200 left. That's sort of vague. Dell makes hundreds of models. Everyone is different. How much ram? What CPU/Processor? What graphics/GPU are you using?

And by the way razer things can cause crashes. So be aware of that too. I don't think she isn't computer person guys. She prob not gonna know CPU/gpu/ram etc. The only hate or problem for free player like me is DRAGON TRADE POUCH..Inventory always full drop NON OF UR ITEM THAT U WANT OR UR CLASS especially WEAPON.Can't expand inventory using money->silver BUT HAVE TO BUY NCOINS *sigh* Why can't spin draw till every1 get the last item after that no more spin rather have deadline..

Game keeps disconnecting is there server maintenance today cheap Blade & Soul Gold ? Thanks for reply smile emoticon. I'll probably join aswell although im very bad haha.

I'd go as far as saying Kung Fu is probably the least strongest, The have great defensive abilities but that's all they have their attacking strength is null plus I feel there should be more than one defensive stance ability due to there class being oriented about blocking attacks and countering people.

