
i completed the quest Bringing Home the Bacon

i completed the quest and got some teeth. but when i went to make some pouches. the interface showed i didn't have the required summoning level, even though i'm level 99 summoning. is this a glitch to sell rs accounts?

"The addicts? They uh... Blew away in a storm." I think I noticed a spelling mistake. At the part where you take your pig (a war pig in this case) to Lumbridge Court, a random Man says: "It's porcine power Runescape accounts sell is too great!" while it should be "Its porcine power is too great!", no ? Forgive me if I'm wrong, I'm not English by nature. So while I was doing the beginning of the new quest, one of the Bacon Addicts walked outside of the pig pen through the fence, and not even through the gate, but through the actual -fence- itself!

Everyone who worked on this quest deserves a medal. I don't know how good the rewards are, but I won't be disappointed if they're terrible because this is like the most entertaining quest I've ever played. Does anyone know if the spirit pack pig is aggressive? does it make monsters attack you? I'm not 96 summoning yet and war tortoise can be annoying when it gets you a lot of unwanted attention from bosses. I was hoping that this was going to be for F2p also. I wonder if the Cooking sound is from the RSC from Andrew's mom.

Call me a bit cynical but i do not think jagex have thought about the release time of this quest especially as we are now in to buy runescape accounts the holy month of Ramadam this is a celebration that is celebrated through out the world by the Muslims who might i add are not aloud products that contain pork.

