
I like Shpikey idea to unlock through magic

I like Shpikey idea to unlock through magic. remember specifically saying on a thread a few months ago that Jagex would be idiots to sell runescape accounts add more lodestones.....

You put loadstones under the task system so you would think it would require tasks to unlock such an amazing reward.1st of all you are moron who don't know what spirit of Runescape is to sell rs accounts 2nd why your and other supporters oppinions of bad updates is more important than those who disapprove? It's like Jagex decided that everyone who don't agree with them are wrong and they should gtfo."When considering game-changing decisions such as this we always hold our players' ultimate game experience firmly in mind," said Mark Gerhard, Jagex CEO. "We have released a host of new content which provides a comparable PvP experience to the old Wilderness and mechanics to allow increased trade limits with long term friends but we are still regularly told by players that they want more. We want to find out whether the passionate voices we hear on this topic are truly representative of rs accounts for sale the entire community or just a vocal minority. If the vast majority of our players support the campaign then we will restore these features to the game as quickly as possible."

And before you go on about how the free trade/wildy vote was a success and shows how important the vocal minority is, allow me to remind you that there are still wide-spread complaints to this day about how that vote was handled that calls its legitimacy into question: the combination of the two issues (couldn't vote for one without voting for the other) and no log-in required to vote (calling into question the legitimacy of the votes themselves). And one only has to look at how little the wilderness is used today as well, and the problems created by this change with spamming, gambling and the like.

And yes, I know I'm part of the vocal minority. But that doesn't mean my opinions gel with yours.

