Are the trophies the same in this version (i.e. do trophies from the PS3 version carry over to the PS4 version?) Since its cross save does that mean that the trophies will carry over too? Or do you have to start over FFXIV Gil?
You should launch the game with some other subtitles, such as brazilian portuguese! &buy FFXIV Gil ;I fucking love these games. I still have to finish them off but live them none the less.
Fans asked for an ability to skip cutscenes for speedruns. This is the best game. I want to start it over and play it again, but I don't want to dodge 200 lightnjng strikes like that other guy said.
Oh hell yeah I'll have to buy this when ever it comes out and then I'll worry about getting a p_s 4 as long as I have this it will all be worth it.