Just hit Lv. 61 on a challenger char. I received creature upgrade coupon (perm). But I can't seem to use it as the creature is greyed out, when i try to upgrade it pops up "Not applicable item".
Found the problem, I needed to use the awakening hammer on the creature.
So wassup with this Knight DFO gold bug abusing to go into PVP? I dunno what you wanna do about it Neople, but this dude is running arund 3 shotting people
quick solution= kick him from your arena room.
Chaos cannot enter the arena, but elven knight CAN...
This guy -3- shot me
idk if ur blind but that clearly says chaos btw
i just loggen in to my account and it says banned ? wtf :S havent been playing for a month is that why iam banned or whats up ?
From previous posts i've seen your cheap DFO gold probably one of the people that were hacked with your account and might at the same time got botted on your account which means the hacker was using bot on your account inorder to spam gold sites or hacks. file a ticket at to see whats up with ur account.