Fcob never separated as long as ppl sold carries. And it wasn't flooded, even then relatively few ppl have it in game. It's pointless content...difficult solely for the sake of being difficult FFXIV gil , and SE learned that even their great story wasn't enough to get ppl to bother.
I think savage will be worse as ppl will be content with welfare gear or the minimum I'll necessary for any story content. Really need to buy this game for a chance. Buy it! Then play on Excalibur! I can't wait, I'm dps and I get que'd in pretty fast. Normally the first 2 min I am in. Something tells me that savage will require il 180 or better. Im waiting for an ingame voice chat option and a completionof / failed duty damage meter for dungeons and raids. Thanks Sammy buy FFXIV gil !! I have been reading some of the posts on the forum after you suggested it. It seems as if i am not the only one looking for a "family" in this game. It seems many folks are looking for friends too. how the hell do I skip the FFXIV intro. I already hav a character, but had to reinstall tyhe game. so am I forced to drag and eek my way through this mind numbing video for 10 minutes?
you guys really need to make it optional. that was a painful 5+ minutes slogging my way through that intro. if on pc what i do is go into my documents. my games and save the final fantasy 14 file to usb. before i reinstall the game. if console you should have these files in storage backed up . i know that feel lol. been a few time i have forgot to back up my character save data. so I go and take a piss, 30 seconds, come back and am kicked out of the game only to be put in queue 92nd. Seriously, wtf?