A new Developers’ Blog was posted! Read “Another XIV Hrs., Part 2" for more insight on what to expect during tonight's 14-hour anniversary stream! Just trying not to let the wording of the horribly negative players affect your opinion of us all
Many of us are enjoying the game and trusting FFXIV gil in your ability to make it the best it can be Improvements take time, research and feedback.
I, at least, understand that. I'm sure the majority do. Keep up the good work smile emoticon thanks for giving us a wonderful world. Can someone please help me!!!!!! I recently bought final fantasy xiv and heavensward. I bought the cd of heavensward from GameStop but I bought realm reborn from psn store. I downloaded the game (11.6gb) then when it asked me to log In I put in all information and logged in, then it said there was an update, so I figured whatever I would let it update, after 23 hours it gives me "unable to cheap FFXIV gil download patch files [20512] [20496]" so I attempted it a second time, same thing. After that I uninstalled the game and tried everything over again. Still the same result. Please help me figure this out! 4 days without playing the game I'm about to return it.
did you register your download code from the games box. When it's entered it shows the code from the box went through just fine. Just something when I'm downloading the patch, it throws the code 20512 and 20496 out at me for patch files. Yall should make tell and shout unavailable until level 10 to stop these gil spammers. Plz do a better maintenance on the Odin server. A large number of gamers have submitted a number of bug reports only to have nothing done since that bug from the last patch is still there screwing with everyones inventories, gear, chocobo level cap being resetted along with the chocobos sp abilites, key items missing, quests not activating, seals being lost, materia lost, tomes unable to be collected or recovered after multiple play throughs on dungeon runs,server d/cing on players, lost connection, unable to level sync for FATEs,ect. So far i've submitted 15 reports in game. Each detailing the bug and each issue i came across along with gamers in other fcs having similar issues of their own. The patch bug has made Odin more unstable for some gamers to play on. PLEASE FIX ODIN!!!
Grand company rank increase and Lightning Strikes items in the Mog Shop please also if you include the 3 new class that would be great grin emoticon DRK - Caius' Sword, MCH - Sazh's guns, AST - Cocoon.