
purchasing diablo3 on console than pc

Diablo 1 wasnt the only one to appear on console either. Starcraft and Warcraft 2 also appeared on consoles back in 1995 and 2000.

So I'm pretty upset that Playstation and Xbox owners/players will have more benifit for purchasing diablo3 on console than pc......

smitty, there is nothing wrong with the pandarens!  Blizzard created the Pandarens back in 95-96 the movie Kung fu Panda wasn't created until 2008.  Blizzard has all the rights to put the Pandaren in their games.  the Pandarens made their first ever world wide appearance in Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos and Frozen throne.

But for the most part i agree to sell diablo 3 account.  all these goodies does seem like a bit of a rip off :P  hopefully they will at least make the crimson Angel wings available for PC users.

SO you guys get cool crimson wings if your on ps3 a grip of sick gear no AH no DRM. While pc players get boned with AH/RMAH DRM and horrible drop rates. thanks blizzard... you had better realease an expansion for pc only that fixes all of these issues diablo3 account.

Also why didn't you think to patch some of these items in to your loyal pc fans that bought the collectors edition. Thanks for the USB the angel wings and screwing us with the AH... I'm seriously considering buying a ps3 just to play a better game....Super sad dude.

First you thrashed WoW with freaking panda people and now you are basically saying that you don't give a crap about  diablo 3 items buy your customers that supported all of the god awful decisions Jay Wilson approved.

Idk if I'm ever going to buy a blizzard product again. And I was a fanboy that defended the crap out of you guys too....../dissapointed

The PS3 exclusive items are awful and complaining about the auction house is like whinging about someone else's favourite food; if you don't like it, don't use it.

