
blade and soul gold making

Ya happened to me the other day was at 1593 was finally gonna get gold because I didn't match against a summoner or assassin we both won* 1 match and the last one I had him in my KFM lock! Then boom... All frozen... No movement... Just ... Motionless... Until disconnect... Sad sad day Blade and Soul Gold ... It registered me a loss.... The FM did more damage over time so I guess it gave him the win? Very lame...

What you guys doing about gathering nodes? I see them on the map, but i barely see them being actually be in the location they are supposed to be in. Bot problems, right? It kills the incentive with crafting.  If you're talking about the ores... best if you just sell the pickaxe.. haha those sell more than ores... j/s. ..

For crafting purposes ~ You can have 2 crafting skills and 2 gathering skills (Order from your gathering skills and you'll get crafting materials for your crafting skills) Hope this help smile emoticon -can always change channel too if you wanna farm-

 Server crashes are good if you play too much. smile emoticon Gives you time to enjoy NOT playing. Wow. This game is too much fun. Team Bloodlust did Buy Blade and Soul Gold really well. I wasn't a big fan of NCsoft until Blade and Soul. Ticket takes awhile so I was wondering if it was possible to get founders title moved to a character on a different server? I just got a reply for a few day old ticket about founding items not being able to move if they were bought over 7 days ago... kind of a slap in the face for even buying the pack in the first place considering I'm moving servers because of the opening day server mess up, my guildies got scattered all over.

