
FIFA's mission

One of FIFA's mission is to “Develop the game”. These young children look like they're having a great time! A FIFA Instructor is in St Lucia, helping local coaches to organise future festivals and providing coaching support.

ATEN??O ¨Aos invejosos e incultos, para ser candidato á PRESIDENTE da FIFA, Federa??o Internacional de FUTEBOL Buy FIFA 16 coins, tem que ter atualmente, participado de futebol profissional nos últimos 5 ( cinco ) anos, experiência, cultura, , cursos superiores e indica??es por federa??es de futebol, e principalmente CORAGEM para enfrentar as adversidades, trapa?as de adversários maldosos, covardes, invejosos e trai?oeiros que existem no meio do POVO. Ok. Toniplay é AFOF na FIFA.

FIFA Release the hernane to play in Sport Clube Recife. We chat with new Houston Dynamo coach Owen Coyle on the upcoming 20th MLS season, facing new challenges and his belief on the importance of coaches learning foreign languages. Same way you sanctioned Luis Suarez for being a repeat offender you should also suspend Gonzalo Jara from Chile for committing sexual advances to players of other countries. He's done this numerous times ... please look into stopping these ugly gestures from soccer for good by sending a message of intolerance for these kinds of behavior. Owen Coyle did a descent job in England, hope he can do the same with the Houston Dyanamo and help us reach the playoffs.

ban Iran football for not letting women at stadiums... The Fifa president, secretary general and communications director are all travelling in a car. Who's driving? The police.

